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Upon written request of at least nine Grand Commanderies, the Grand Master shall call a Special Conclave of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America.


Section 4(b). Constitution, Statutes, Rules, and Regulations


Download the Call

To join the Call to Conclave, please download and sign this form.  Once signed, please scan and upload as a PDF here


If you represent a Constituent Commandery seeking to call a special conclave of your Grand Commandery for the purposes of considering the Call to Conclave of the Grand Encampment, you may download a form motion here

Grand Commanderies Adopt the Call


Each Grand Commandery seeking to adopt the Call to Conclave of the Grand Encampment should call a special conclave of their own for the purposes of adopting the Call to Conclave. Alternatively, a Grand Commandery can move to join the Call to Conclave in regular session of the Grand Commandery. 


A majority vote is required. 


The Call to Conclave must set forth the specific business to be discussed at the Special Conclave. Therefore, if your Grand Commandery wants to consider joining the Call to Conclave, please download the Call (above) to present to your Grand Commandery for consideration in assembly. 


Nine Grand Commanderies are needed for the Grand Master to be required to call the Special Conclave of the Grand Encampment. 



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non nobis Domine non nobis sed nomini Tuo da gloriam!

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